5 definitions by Oskar
A way of spelling anarchy, to my knowledge first used in the early English anarchopunk scene. 'An' is pronounced 'an' and ok is pronounced 'okay'.
by Oskar January 19, 2004
May be mistaken for a Spanish girl, dark brown eyes, brown hair, and tans beautifully! If you meet a phoebe, please be her friend. However she gets annoyed easily, if you fall out with her the worst thing you can do is beg her more and more to forgive and go on about how much you are sorry! This will only make her angrier and hate you even more. Also she would only tell her close friends who she liked. Or even just maybe her best friend. Her best friend is normally blonde and crazy! They both fit together like sisters! Do not mess with them both or you would never get back you!
Best friend: I’m sorry phoebe but she just told us she doesn’t like you!
Phoebe: what! Cmon we are going to start a war bestie!!!
Best friend: ooo I love all this tension in the air *starts having craze attacks*
Phoebe: what! Cmon we are going to start a war bestie!!!
Best friend: ooo I love all this tension in the air *starts having craze attacks*
by Oskar April 19, 2019
g: how many times do I have to say that
by Oskar June 5, 2004
One of the most exciting plays in Los Angeles Lakers history features the remarkable fadeaway shot taken by Derek Fisher over San Antonio Spur Manu Ginobli with 0.4 seconds left to put them up 3-2 over the Spurs in the 2004 Western Conference Semi-Finals.
by Oskar July 12, 2004