81 definitions by Orrinpants

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btw google translate is here so yes it's there
by Orrinpants December 11, 2022
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I hate ear wads JK I don't know what ear wads waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare
by Orrinpants November 16, 2021
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what steam uses instead of censoring the f word like f*ck, they censor it like f♥ck.
Steam page: what the fck is going on
by Orrinpants November 16, 2021
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Seriously!? You searched up the definition of the definition of definition?!
the definition of de finitionthe definition of definishon the definition of definishtionthe definition of definitionthe definition of definitionthe definition of definitionthe definition of definitionthe definition of replenition WTF definition define ition of definition definition of de finition the definition of definitionthe definition of definitionthe definition of definition
by Orrinpants September 10, 2021
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1. Is there a way to educate that involves Minecraft?

Yes, Minecraftedu!
2. typing on phone I Minecraftedu. Sorry.
by Orrinpants June 9, 2021
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a cool sounding random keypress
cool --------------------------------------^
by Orrinpants February 14, 2022
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