4 definitions by OhSoThaddy

An argumentative, dolphin-like creature that mumbles, can't catch, yet is still money.
I went to Nashville to hang out with Dween and he had two beers and fell asleep. It was awesome.
by OhSoThaddy May 13, 2015
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When golfing and a dude swings but slows down their swing so they hit the ball about one foot and they meant to hit it much further and they look like a complete tool
That shot was poo diaper - did not need Donny Decel to post
by OhSoThaddy May 13, 2015
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A grouping of puds, dweebs, and zeroes that drains all energy from the space they are in and otherwise destroys any chance of coolness in their immediate area
We bailed early from the party because it was tooltown up in there
by OhSoThaddy May 13, 2015
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Kid: is that a woman?
Dad: no it's Phil Mickelson
Kid: oh, those are mantelopes
by OhSoThaddy January 6, 2016
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