28 definitions by Nikkidew

Having a middlemind when making a decision is being calm, and being able to see the outcome cause your thoughts started in the middle
Being middlemind I was halveway through the thought process when I started thinking
by Nikkidew July 31, 2018
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When you investigate something you're speculating about. Even though you're currently speculating your also investigating the speculation "hence" the speculation because it's contributing to your investigation
I'm inspeculating my friends boyfriend because he's cheating on her
by Nikkidew March 10, 2020
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Butterfilled milk, when milk has gone bad and gets all chunky, butterfilk
Eeww, the milk has turned to butterfilk
by Nikkidew August 3, 2018
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Horse smellin Twat, musty horse smellin vagina and instead of horse trot it becomes horsetwat.
Ugg i smell like horsetwat after going hiking.
by Nikkidew January 30, 2020
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When you've become Mother FuckED
Man she Mfed me and my head up so bad by cheating on me!
by Nikkidew February 9, 2020
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I just started my monthly, and need a tinkerdam.
by Nikkidew July 31, 2018
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Tricked into thinking you have the coronavirus. Like being Punk'd only you've been Corona'd
You just got Corona'd by your girlfriend!! Bahahahah😅😅
by Nikkidew April 1, 2020
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