6 definitions by NebyTheyIsDoesThey

The latest in a long series of hoaxes that stated in 1966.
Hey, ChatGPT, it takes more than word games to be self-aware.
by NebyTheyIsDoesThey January 3, 2023
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The polite form for "asshole".
Joe Shmoe is so cringy and mean that his psychiatrist calls him disagreeable.
by NebyTheyIsDoesThey April 11, 2023
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Two men kissing, smack-smack-smootch
All I ever want to do is mackface DILF.
by NebyTheyIsDoesThey September 7, 2023
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Here's the full transcript of a Police Community Support Officer PCSO visiting a UK woman over a 'trans ideology erases women' sticker on her front door. She's told to 'educate yourself' because people can be 'born in the wrong body' and that being 'trans' is analogous to being black
by NebyTheyIsDoesThey August 17, 2022
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The act of shooting power station transformers with guns in order to destroy society.
Back in July, a handbook on accelerationism was shared among extremist Telegram channels calling for shooters to ignore softer targets and instead try to cause chaotic blackouts by emulating the Metcalf attack on a wider scale.
by NebyTheyIsDoesThey December 28, 2022
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According to the media, "dark web" is just a bunch of websites that they don't like.
The FBI cut off all the DNS domains that the dark web was using.
by NebyTheyIsDoesThey April 5, 2023
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