155 definitions by Nathan

An awesome person with a baddass level only rivaled by a select few. Few are in doubt of this person's awesomeness, but those that are are idiots that need to take a long walk off a short pier
BloodRedOmen sure does rock
by Nathan December 31, 2005
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gives you a very sore vagina afta a nite full of sex! bushy eyebrows! hyperactive.... loves eminem and sexxxxxxxxxxxxx
very worth while.. you bump into him take him home....(trust!) he he aaahhh!! (you will be saying that all nite and for 3 weeks)
by Nathan December 11, 2003
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Jessica, the most beautiful girl in the world.
Jessica is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. The only problem is she doesn't believe she is.
by Nathan June 12, 2004
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Term used by slutty 18-25 year old women who dont have husbands or boyfriends, but know the father of their kid(s)
Maury, I know he's my baby daddy, he's the only guy I had sex with that day...er wait...ok, he's 1 of 2 guys I had sex with that day.
by Nathan October 25, 2003
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Aluminium can usu. containing 375mL of sweet, sweet amber fluid.

see also stubbie, grenade
Greg managed to down his tinny in under 2 seconds.
by Nathan March 29, 2004
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A white man who thinks or wants to be a black man.
Usually wears big puffy jackets with fur across the hood.
Also takes great pride in appearence including hair and what he is wearing.
He also intends to take the mickey out of what other people are wearing.
He also may complain about how long he hasn't had sex for, even though they really haven't had sex.
They will also listen to Black Rap, including 2Pac, Dr Dre, 50 cent etc.
They will have many comments on their bag such as "Live by the gun, die by the gun" and "Life's a bitch and then you die"
Wigga: "Im so stressed. I haven't had sex in 2 weeks"

Someone else "Yeh, but you haven't had sex yet, WIGGA"
by Nathan January 8, 2004
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