8 definitions by Nater

Was originaly Munch Music, then MMUSA, and now fuse. It is a real music chanel with real music and bands, where you can see little known bands can get on the air
MTV is shit watch Fuse
by Nater June 2, 2003
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a whole lotta shit, some times fun, some times not, but its kinda all the same- so make something of it
Reality contiunes to runin my life
by Nater June 2, 2003
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an over dose on drugs
most likely killing you, unless you suck at music-i.e. Motley Crew- you wont ull jus live till the end of the world, cuz God has a sence of humur
Dont OD you might die
by Nater June 2, 2003
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A kick ass punk/hardcore/ska label owned by Tim Armstrong(singer of Rancid and the Transplants) and has some of the best new and old music on it. including Joe Strummers last band
I wish i could get on Hellcat Records
by Nater June 2, 2003
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Being high during a threesome, cumming in a girls mouth, it comes out the nose, and another girl eats the cummy (gummy).
I was with these 2 bitches and one ate my Seattle Gummy
by Nater January 21, 2023
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It is the shit of all skate crues, K i don't know how to describe it except.They party so fuckign hardcore and they know how to wreck shit. They have theme friday nights and fuck shit up.
We went down to the beach on friday, and we got attacked and robbed by these crazy drunk pirates with skateboards. oh no no wait that was jsut the killtred team. "those killtredders.........so hot right now"
by Nater April 22, 2004
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