11 definitions by Napoleon Bonerhard
The typically overweight drinking-buddy/sidekick of a cotch/cotchski. Can be solo, but operates best symbotically with his more vain counterpart. Usually drunk, belicose, and confused. Both a wingman and doormat.
After insulting and attempting to fight the cotch's arresting officer, the jarvis was also charged and incarcerated.
by Napoleon Bonerhard November 19, 2006
Quite possible the most seductive musicians ever heard. If you do not crave a finer state after hearing them you may be dead.
We smoked some fine opiated hashish 'cause Sabina would've done it. Then we freaked to the Brazilian Girls until we were both spent.
by Napoleon Bonerhard June 15, 2007
An improved rusty trombone. It is a maneuver similar to a 69, but instead one participant performs a rusty trombone while receiving oral gratification. The name is derived from how one partner is "wrapped" around the other being played like a sousaphone. Preferably one of the performers is standing.
Steve slipped a disk the other day when he received a shiny sousaphone from Shannon the other night.
by Napoleon Bonerhard May 29, 2012
In addition to all the group masturbation definitions,
The Circle Jerks are a hardcore punk band formed circa 1979 in Hermosa Beach, California. It was formed by Black Flag's original singer, Keith Morris, and future Bad Religion guitarist Greg Hetson. They were among the preeminent punk bands of the L.A. scene in the early 1980s.
The Circle Jerks are a hardcore punk band formed circa 1979 in Hermosa Beach, California. It was formed by Black Flag's original singer, Keith Morris, and future Bad Religion guitarist Greg Hetson. They were among the preeminent punk bands of the L.A. scene in the early 1980s.
After seeing the Circle Jerks show and getting our asses kicked in the pit, my friends and I participated in a circle jerk in John's van.
by Napoleon Bonerhard August 13, 2007
I really enjoyed our drunken make-out session until she blirked all over me.
Are you gonna blirk? I don't want my Toyota to be texas pin-striped.
Are you gonna blirk? I don't want my Toyota to be texas pin-striped.
by Napoleon Bonerhard November 29, 2006
by Napoleon Bonerhard December 5, 2006
by Napoleon Bonerhard November 15, 2006