79 definitions by NEO

Lucine is a girl with red curly/straight hair she must have a bro whose name starts with a D and ends with a Y and could be the name Danny..and also she rules over her brother. she has many cuzins...and she likes old movies espacially ones made in 1994 andstart with my father the hero
Lucine Takes from her Brother
by NEO September 4, 2003
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A nice car, pimped out car; derived from the Infity Q-Series.
Joe "Paiva just got tinted the windows on his fatty q-ship."
by NEO June 15, 2003
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1. an energetic person
2. a mercenary from the game megaman x5
3. yo momma
by NEO December 26, 2003
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weak incompotent meandering pussy
You wimp get out that GD foxhole
by NEO April 28, 2004
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1. The greatest guy alive
2. An adjective used to descrive something extremely good
1. neo_alex is a sick cunt!
2. Yo man, your new car is so neo_alex
by NEO April 21, 2004
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A phrase used when one is speechless, conversation, filler. Best suited for awkward situations or general agreement.
-awkward situation-

Homer "You know son, I've pulled a few boners in my day."

Derek "Well alright."

- general agreement -

Joe "Wanna get shithoused tonight?"

Barry "Well alright."
by NEO June 14, 2003
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Vagina, pussy, equivalent of "axe wound"
Joe "She's just whining about her croutch wound, and if she doesnt' stop I'm gonna collect on that rib she owes us."
by NEO June 15, 2003
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