10 definitions by N8Stylo

When you get oral sex from an apparition of a dead person aka a nebulous nymphomaniac
I went in the house and it was definitely haunted. But that ghost gave me the best GHOST DOME like I've ever had. I shall return.
by N8Stylo June 9, 2023
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A famous well known native Dude who's the coolest guy you'll ever meet. He'll give you the shirt off his back just don't stab him in the back. It takes a lot to tick him off but if you're stupid enough to do it your days are numbered believe that. He's a pimp of all pimps n girls flock to work for him. They all want him to try out the product before he puts it on the market. Whether he does or doesn't Is the mystery . He don't fuck around
That guys going somewhere! You can see Adam Brenner all over him
by N8Stylo June 9, 2021
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Term for big Breasts on an Asian woman which is quite unusual and very rare to find. But when they are found ... Yowsa
That Chunli was straight FOB, but damn she had some Shelby Woos. I'd love for her to love me long time!
by N8Stylo November 29, 2021
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