5 definitions by MrFranklin

adj. Describes a person or organization that wants to imprison and/or discriminate against anyone who doesn't share their religious beliefs.
Pro-family groups: Focus On the Family, Family Research Council, The Taliban.
by MrFranklin June 21, 2006
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adj. Describes a person or organization that wants to imprison and/or discriminate against anyone who doesn't share their religious beliefs.
Pro-family groups: Focus On the Family, Family Research Council, The Taliban.
by MrFranklin June 20, 2006
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A completely portable and wireless phone which is supposed to be usable just about anywhere. In reality, though, these pieces of shit usually drop calls, fade in and out, or make the person on the other end sound like they are talking under water. However, people still love these phones because using them in public makes these insecure dumb fucks feel important. These irritating douchebags will usually raise their voice 2-3 times higher than their normal speaking voice so you can hear them from across the room easier than you can hear the person sitting next to you. They also turn the customizable ringtone (usually a 5 minute song) up as high as possible so everyone can hear it. (Putting the phone on vibrate doesn't let them feel important by announcing to the whole room that someone is calling.)
That douchebag in the library has been pissing me off by talking loud on his cell phone for half an hour. The next time his cell phone rings, it will be coming from inside his ass.
by MrFranklin July 1, 2006
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A yuppie euphemism for kissing ass in order to get a job or obtain a raise or promotion.
Regardless of your skills, intelligence, or education, if you are not good at networking you will always earn minimum wage and live in a trailer park.
by MrFranklin June 11, 2006
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1. Describes a person whose marriage/live in relationship has ended and whose next marriage/live in relationship hasn't begun yet. (This condition lasts about 2 weeks or less.)
John's wife was killed in a car accident and he was single for a week.
by MrFranklin June 11, 2006
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