17 definitions by Mr T

Sex act involving two men where tube-shaped items are placed in the urethra in order to expand the size of the "japseye" hole. The tubes are increased in size daily/weekly over a period of months untill the penis-hole is large enough for the other man to insert his penis.
Dude, next week your cock-hole will be large enough for me to enter you.
by Mr T May 26, 2004
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Yo son , you got sweaty bum cum .

hey i wanna lick your sweaty bum cum.
by Mr T April 23, 2005
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The only word that people can come up with when asked what word rhymes with "Orange".
What does Orange rhyme with?
Erm... I dunno... Porange?
by Mr T August 5, 2004
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YO sun that shit is sweaty, to make fun of something (glaswegian)
that game is too sweaty just like adam hunter ,
by Mr T April 21, 2005
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This word is orginated from South West England, Mainly said if someone is confused about something.
Spinny also means, Confused, Strange, Tripping, Odd, Mysterious, Unfamiliar
"That thing looks well Spinny"
"I just ate something Spinny, please tell me what it was?"
"You will look Spinny, if you wore that out"
"This place looks Spinny"
by Mr T April 13, 2004
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"You're not a virgin are you love, its a bit of a shoehorn"
by Mr T March 27, 2005
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A superhero you will find on 'The Simpsons' Bart and Mill house are great fans of Radioactive man. He is somewhat like superman! he wears bright red clothes and a cap
"Is it a plane? is it a bird? no its RADIOACTIVE MAN"
"Bart: where can i get the first ever issue of Radioactive man?"
by Mr T April 13, 2004
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