35 definitions by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar

What my mom used to call a bra back when she was in high school, so like during the seventies. Often used when the bra is suppourting rather extreneous boobs.
Did you see that over the shoulder boulder holder that brod was wearing, she had some mean big boobs.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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The best rapper out of canada ever. Nova Scotia to boot. One of the best producers in Canada and everywhere. He is white and a million times better than fakes like emeinem.
Classified's new Cd boy-cott-in the industry out as of march 2005 is sweet. Is last Cd trial and eroor one of teh best cd's ever. It ain't over off his ep his possibly the best song that's never been heard.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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Them damn sweaty boobs is what swoobs means. Like when girl comes up to you with a nice bust but they are all sweaty and wet and the rest of her isn't sweaty, that's swoobs.
Wow! Did you see that babe that had those gross ass swoobs?
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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Word for a woman. Less respectable than lady but much more respectable than bitch.
Man, look at those two broads. They are smokin.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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A hurtful word for a kid who doesn't have any friends. Who spends all of his time alone and doesn't go out on weekends. Never gets picked for teams when playing sports and is hard pressed to get a date for a prom.
Mna look at troy over there by himself, he is such a loaner.
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Your balls or testicles. Shortened word is also just nads.
i just fell down the stairs and landed right on my gonads.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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The best punk band regina has ever heard. Though if you are reading this you will never hear them and that's a dirty shame. The screaming by the front man Zac is unmatched, the guitaring by the Sean's are great, The bass by Jon(h) is sweet and the drumming by Jizz - amo is stellar. (Gotta live them drums).
Have you heard that song by Daybreak, no wait no one has. That sucks. But if they get big you can say that i told ya.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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