12 definitions by MoonRat

A religion and worship of the human body and the material world, not always the worship of the devil himself (unless you're of the Luciferian path). Satanism is type casted by the media along with witchcraft and paganism, as something evil... to be hated and feared whereas satanism does not promote violence, animal sacrifice or racial hatred in any manner. Satan keeps the church in business.
by MoonRat February 17, 2004
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A member of the alternative scene, a 'greebo' can neither be classified as a 'skater', a 'spooky kid' (those little guys in KoRn hoodies and black eyeliner), a 'goth' or an 'indie kid'. Very often they fall between, wearing anything from baggies to funky hats to army shirts.

The term 'greebo' is used to describe an alternative person of such a nature by 'trendies' as a derrogatory insult.
Ehhh Gary laaaa... look a' that greebo over there!
by MoonRat March 9, 2004
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A practitioner of magick. There are several paths of spirituality that involve witchcraft, the most recognisable today being wicca and the hereditary path. Most witches are pagan although some deviate from this rule and celebrate the eight fold year.
Ya big mean witch!
by MoonRat March 11, 2004
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The pentacle is a five pointed star within a circle, the points representing the four elements (fire, water, earth & air) and ether (spirit) and the circle represents eternity as most pagans believe in the eight-fold year and the spiral dance. Inverted it has been known to be used by satanists and some wiccans to represent materialism.
I wear a pentacle and I'm proud of it.
by MoonRat February 17, 2004
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A genre of music that incorporates hiphop, decks and digital sound to metal music. Not to be confused with thrash or industrial, NuMetal bands tend to be more commercial than their underground counterparts and attract a certain subculture too.
by MoonRat March 9, 2004
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A five pointed star without a circle around it. Sometimes seem as inverted with the baphomet head it represents satanism. However, there is nothing negative about it.
Nice pentagram.
by MoonRat February 17, 2004
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The term 'pagan' comes from the Latin word 'paganus' which means, in short, a country man. In contemporary society the word 'pagan' is an umbrella term encompassing many polytheistic earth-based religions including Asatru, wicca, druidry and hereditary witchcraft.

Most pagans mark their calenders by the eight fold year, with four major festivals and four minor. Solstices/equinox festivals are also recognised and celebrated.
Hey... I'm pagan!
by MoonRat March 11, 2004
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