25 definitions by Michele

if you make a joke and you dont mean it say "nat" so they'll know your joking
by Michele December 30, 2004
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something done at family BBQ's and social gatherings
My dad spent the whole day smokin' the sausage.
by Michele December 21, 2003
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for a man, it means "other ppl's pussy"
for a woman, it means "other ppl's penis"
*where a person can have a girlfriend/boyfriend while having someone else on the side without it being considered cheating on their lover.
of course in the song OPP by naughty by nature (but they had the clean version of other ppl's property)
by Michele December 25, 2004
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SHe is my my monkey baby she is my whole life well when she isnt being bad!?!
by Michele September 21, 2003
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tired, exhausted and moving about in a mechanical sort of way. Acting like a zombie.
Without my morning cup of coffee I am zombatic.
by Michele March 4, 2005
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it refers to a woman's beaver
in the song ice cream by JS, it gives it away:

"Taste my ice cream"
by Michele December 25, 2004
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