5 definitions by Memma

Something good, grand, or otherwise pleasing.
It is a fine hat...

That film was a fine hat
by Memma June 23, 2004
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A group of ninjas who sneak into people's houses at night and give them faster internet access
Woo and yay, I have been hit by the broadbandits...
by Memma June 23, 2004
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The best insult EVER CREATED.

Spawned from The Secret Of Monkey Island, this insult is best used when lashed upon an unwitting fencing companion and/or pirate
by Memma June 23, 2004
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Grog is a secret mixture that contains one or more of the following:
-propylene glycerole
-artificial sweeteners
-sulphuric acid
-red dye #2
-axle grease
-battery acid
-and/or pepperoni

As you can imagine, it's one of the most caustic, volatile substances known to man.
You're a bunch of foul-smelling, grog-swilling pigs!

No swag means no grog, and we're running dangerously low on grog...
by Memma June 23, 2004
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A term used primarily in Kendal, Cumbria, UK to describe the monthly torture women must endure. As per the phrase "It's like having your spine slowly ripped out from the bottom whilst simoultaniously birthing a large watermelon".
Arg, can't come out tonight, the watermelons are attacking

Oh, woe, for I am suffering with watermelons

It's watermelon week, bring me weed and chocolate
by Memma June 23, 2004
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