19 definitions by MehRo

A game, usually in RTS games, in which real-life players are pitted against more, less or an even amount of computer-controlled players.

Usually this involves playing the maximum amount of allied human players vs. one enemy computer because the computer is easy to kill when outnumbered. Unfortunately, during these kinds of games, BackStabbers exist, who will wait until the computer is dead, look unsuspicious and then attack the remaining players with a huge force, all under the players' noses.
"I destroyed a comp in a Comp Stomp last night."

"That unsuspicious-looking backstabber killed us all after we killed the computer!"
by MehRo May 13, 2005
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A great game made by Bungie for the Xbox. It was so hyped fans were expecting a life-changing experience and an ascension to the higher level of gaming. Many fans were sad when they found Halo 2 wasn't God's gift of gaming goodness, and Halo 2 was looked at as an over-rated game by many. Sadly, it was not looked upon as the great game it was by normal gamers, but Xbox fans see it as phenonmenal. They're right. The game sold way, way more than any other game ever. (That includes GTA: San Andreas.) And it made Microsoft 125 million dollar.
Guy: Halo 2 sucks! It's sooo over-rated! Wah, wah, wah!

Xbox Fan: Over 150,000 people disagree with you, idiot.
by MehRo November 15, 2004
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A weapon in the Xbox game Halo 2 that acts as a mid-range rifle. Very powerful when shot at the target's head. It resembles the Classic Halo 1 Pistol, only it is much larger, bulkier and requires more skill to use to full extent.

Often used in synchronization with the Plasma Pistol in the Noob Combo.
Player 1: What the hell? All I saw was a couple of bullet streaks and I died. Cheater.

Player 2: It's called the Battle Rifle, biyatch.
by MehRo March 25, 2005
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Nurgle is the God of Pestilence, Death and Decay. Nurgle is one of the Chaos Gods in the Warhammer: 40,000 universe. He leads thousands of rotting warriors into battle; most of which feel no pain. Nurgle is the sworn enemy of Tzeentch, God of Change.

Nurgle's army is infantry based, and relies on many squads of meat shields rather than small squads of elite men. As his meat shields feel no pain, the army is well dependant on their land warriors. Falling upon their enemy like a plague, the massive infantry units of Nurgle overwhelm the enemies of Chaos.
Nurgle's Death Guard is one of the most brutal Chaos armies ever.
by MehRo December 21, 2004
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To jump across wooden logs over-top of water, some of which are spinning on rotating wheels, and do a backflip on to the other log, but then slip off of the next one.

Derived from SpikeTV's MXC in which a contestant pulled a "full-blown scary uncle" to get to the other log in a game called "Log Drivers."
Kenny Blankenship: Wow, Vic, I think that was a full-blown scary uncle!

Vic Romano: It was indeed, Kenny.
by MehRo March 30, 2005
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A weapon in the Xbox game Halo 2 that, when charged to full strength, can deplete a target's shields fully. It is very small and almost useless to use alone, but is one of the most powerful weapons in Halo 2 when used in the right way.

Often used in the Noob Combo.
Player 1: Put down the Plasma Pistol, already! Have pity!

Player 2: Yeah, sure, biyatch.
by MehRo March 25, 2005
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The God of Change and Evil Dreams. He is the sworn enemy of Nurgle, God of Pestilence and Death. Tzeentch uses mutation and unnatural magic to bestow evil enchantments upon his elite warriors.
Tzeentch brought the evil warrior into daemonhood.
by MehRo December 21, 2004
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