11 definitions by Me-hung-low

A Pro noob, Usually a person who has totalled many hours within the game, but still complains about not having equips,money, or basically bitches at the game.
Kevin:Man Nevin, you're such a Chuub
Nevin: Shut up whore.
by Me-hung-low August 12, 2006
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A Pro noob, Usually a person who has totalled many hours within the game, but still complains about not having equips,money, or basically bitches at the game.
Me:Man dude, you're such a Chuub
Friend: Shut up whore.
by Me-hung-low August 14, 2006
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Pronunciation Key: "Wee Moe"
Discriptive word:
1. A word for a person, that assumes, he/she is lonely/emo/alone even though he/she actually is not.
2. Wannabe Emo
My bud:I'm so alone right now....
Me: Dude, We're chilling you wemo, seriously. Shut up!
by Me-hung-low August 14, 2006
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a piece of gum, that has been bit into many times, also called chewing
I had a peice of Chewed Gum before, you know, that peice of Juicy fruit I stuck on that dog?
by Me-hung-low August 15, 2006
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Pronun key:(Char-jur)
A player in the game of ball ball, that is allowed to ram into the yoga ball and launch the baller/jumper.
person 1:Dude, can I be the charger this time?
person 2:Fine, only 'cause you were the jumper last 47 times we played.
by Me-hung-low August 19, 2006
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pronun key:baller
A player in the game of Ball ball, that is holding a yoga ball and get's launched or flipped, over the charger.Also known as the jumper
player 1: Yo, You know what? I wanna get launched today. I'm gonna be the baller, 'kay?
by Me-hung-low August 19, 2006
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Pronunciation key( Com-pen-sayt)
1. To make up for something that you don't have.
2. see compensation
1.Dude, He's just blowing smoke 'cause he's compensating for not having a good computer.

2.|\/|4|\|!!!! 1'|\/| go1|\|g 7o |<111 7|-|a7 guy on <5!!!(Man!!!!, I'm going to kill that guy on CS)
me: Dude, you're 1337 sucks. stop trying to compensate 'cause you don't have his skills
by Me-hung-low August 14, 2006
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