3 definitions by MaxxxD

Alison is a girl with morals and is a great remodel. She's the girl that your parents can safely say they're glad you found. She sometimes keeps to herself and sticks to her own good judgement because she doesn't want to get hurt. She shares her joy and kindness to the world but hides her tears. She's the kind of girl that makes you feel good about yourself and never brings anyone down. She's nice to everyone and makes your heart skip a beat when you see her. Her kisses always bring you happiness regardless of how your feeling. She's someone who your constantly thinking about and brings a smile to your face just by the thought of her. She's absolutely beautiful in every way. If you manage to be her man your a very lucky guy. Get to know her she brings out the best in everyone and always has a helping hand. Usually has only a few close friends although she's sweet and respects everyone she's afraid to get overly involved and can have trust issues.
Guy 1 : "I'm so ticked off right now, I wish I had someone to talk to and truly love that I can trust."

Guy # 2: "It seems to me like you need to find an Alison."
by MaxxxD October 4, 2011
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Alison is a fun-loving, honest girl, who loves to be with people that truly love and understand her. She's usually a brunette, blonde or ginger with beautiful eyes that make you melt. You can trust her with absolutely anything. Alison is an amazing girlfriend to all of her lovers. She's never one to cheat and she will always tell you her honest feelings about anything. Alisons are very independent and keep things real. Never puts anyone down she can have a bad temper and knows how to make u cry although she never would. Shes can arouse you with her body and steal your heart without even intending to. She always means well and is very righteous. She spends her time searching for love she so desperatly longs for, and constantly gets her heart broken. Sometimes she makes mistakes but ones you can always forgive just because you love her that much and could never loose her shes the type of girl you want to hold in your arms and protect her from everything and everyone. She looks and acts like an angel because she is such a sweetheart, and a believer. She always has your back. She puts everyone before herself and always tries to help everyone and push her own feelings aside. You will love her theres noone else worth it, shes simply perfect so loveable, beautiful and curvacious also very passionate, thoughtful and faithful. They have child like innocence although they can be very vulnerable and sexual lovers. Also are very successful and ambitious.
"Just think of that girl you dream about, the girl you wish you could call your own."

An Alison
by MaxxxD September 11, 2011
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A rare unique name. You don't find Beth's very often they are very gentle and can often be the best in bed. Always good looking, they love nature and respect the earth. A Beth is commonly a girl whose been hurt and this is because she was faced with hardships in her past or perhaps her childhood and can be misunderstood. And if a Beth is still in a stage of hardships all I can say is simply be there for her she's a strong girl and is only growing stronger but even the strongest of people break down, everyone needs someone to lean on, you should be that one for her. She's got the kindest most powerful heart ever, but unfortunately some Beth's hold a lot of hurt in them, and take more time then other girls to learn how to use them. But she's such a sweet beauty and knows how to make you smile just by being herself your heart jumps out to her. One day she will become an extremely strong courageous, woman that can do wonderous things. Never doubt them.
Tim : "whoa that girl's got a lot of courage, I've never seen someone quite like her before."

Simon : "she's been through a lot, I believe she can do anything now."

Tim : "I want a Beth of my own!"
by MaxxxD September 27, 2011
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