577 definitions by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian

Nodar Kumaritashvili was a Georgian luger who suffered a fatal crash during a training run for the 2010 Winter Olympics competition in Whistler, Canada, on the day of the opening ceremony.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 15, 2015
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Let me rephrase my previous definition differently and more sensibly:

While ear licking is technically a form of ASMR, ear licking should NOT be associated with ASMR. Why?

It's money-grabbing publicity material. Suggestive stuff always gets more attention than non-suggestive stuff. This changes the dominant representation of ASMR from something non-sexual to something lewd. Now don't get me wrong, ASMR can be suggestive/erotic, but that is not at all representative of the true purpose of ASMR (which is to relax and give you tingles). Such content should be on pornhub, NOT twitch. It is truly heartbreaking to see newcomers being deterred away from ASMR because of the ear licking, when in reality ASMR stands for so much more.

It is exactly like toxic Rick & Morty fans who give off a bad impression of that show when in reality it is such a great show.
It is exactly like the people who shit on Fortnite when it's actually not that bad of a game.
It is exactly like people who boycott Papa John's because of its kooky CEO when in reality their pizza is really good.
Do I need to come up with more analogies?

Also let's be honest, the sound of somebody's wet tongue dragging across the mic is generally revolting to hear. If you genuinely like ear licking, then good for you I guess, but please know and understand that ear licking is destroying the dignity and reputation of ASMR, day by day. There are endless tales of people who hate ASMR because all they knew of it was ear licking.
▼The chat of an ASMR twitch stream▼

DadudeBro: I am so relaxed rn, thanks
Hoss382950: Hello
KingJeff7: *abruptly comes in* Y'ALL ARE SICK PEOPLE FOR LIKING ASMR!!!
DadudeBro: @KingJeff7 no u
CHR0NICBE4ST: @KingJeff7 How? What did asmr ever do to you?

KingJeff7: Bruh I aint gonna listen to some girl licking the fuckin mic
CHR0NICBE4ST: Please pay attention to this stream, do you see any ear licking? Also, I think you got the wrong impression of ASMR. Look up "Virtual Barbershop" on Youtube and go watch the first video. Now THAT is real asmr.
DadudeBro: Yeah what CHR0NICBE4ST said. Additionally, go look up ASMRtists such as Gentle Whispering, Heather Feather, ASMRmagic, Gibi ASMR and Ephemeral Rift. Those are people who make actual ASMR. If you think ASMR is just ear licking and mukbang, then you are heavily misguided.
KingJeff7: I don't care, still cringey ass shit.
MOD Jadee_17: "KingJeff7 has been banned."
totally_newb: PETTHEMODS
Heckerboi97: PETTHEMODS
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 31, 2021
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Some stupid shit that skanky ass e-girls do to a binaural microphone. It is often wrongly labelled as asmr when in reality it's just erotica (FYI erotic asmr ≠ asmr). Call it asmr all you want, but the entire asmr community would beg to differ.
Ear licking is NOT asmr. To categorize ear licking as asmr is an utter insult towards the entire asmr community and misrepresents ASMR's raison d'etre.
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Porn produced and directed solely by women that are as hot as the pornstars themselves. This is in contrast to a typical male-run porn studio, where the director and cameraman are, well, men. So when watch you a Yagami Yato, you know that you're jerking off to beautiful women, both on camera and off camera.

(P.S. Porn can include both real-life and hentai)

To watch and fap to porn produced and directed solely by women.
Feminists: All pornography should be banned as it involves male-dominated porn studios depicting the objectification of women through the male gaze
An enlightened carl wheezer: Yagami Yato bitch!

Bro 1: Yo imma Yagami Yato tonight 😍🥰
Bro 2: You that thirsty eh?
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It's basically the how-to-guide equivalent of BuzzFeed. The how-to's are often very formulaic and dumbed down, as if anything can be simplified down to 10 short steps. And most of the tips and tricks they give are common sense. They also have some of the most stupid and pointless how-to's which merely serves more as humor than anything. It's all just fast food garbage that's easy to digest but gives little value in return.

Great for skimming the surface, but if you actually want to learn something, WikiHow is the LAST place you'd want to be looking at.
Me: Alexa, what are some tips to improve your home?
Alexa: According to the article on WikiHow-
Me: Alexa, unplug yourself.
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A bee fetish isn't really as simple as it sounds like. It's not just about having an unusually peeked interest in anything regarding bees. Basically it's like an entire religion centered on worshipping bees as one's idol. People who have a bee fetish are/will often become beekeepers. They tend to welcome bees in their homes, and strive to have an entire bee colony in their backyard. Now as dangerous as that sounds, the irony here is that bee fetishists actually want to get stung; in fact, they believe that getting stung is a sign of good luck and good fortune.

Taking that to the next level, there is an annual sacred ceremony that bee fetishists often perform. This involves the process of stripping down butt naked and smearing themselves with honey from head to toe. Next, they find a calm and relaxing place to sit. Finally, to complete the ceremony, one must open an entire crate of bees and let the bees cover every inch of their honey-coated skin, all the while sitting completely motionless. The ceremony usually lasts around one hour, and can often be a VERY pleasurable experience for bee fetishists.

Though anyone can have a bee fetish, women make up the majority of bee fetishists.
Dude 1: Yo so how's everything going with dating Elisabeth? Did you ever get to meet her parents?

Dude 2: Yeah I did, but dude there's something really strange about her family. Literally everything in their home is about bees and beekeeping, in fact even I found a few bees flying in their house!

Dude 1: Damn that's weird

Dude 2: Yeah, and that's not even the weirdest part! One day after sleeping at her house, I woke up and caught Elisabeth in the bathroom covered in bees!!!! She was just sitting there, with a smile on her face... and during that moment I realized that she and her family had a bee fetish. I fucking ran out of there and never talked to her again.
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Fight or flight is the physical reaction of an organism to a perceived threat within the environment. It is an inherent trait found in all animals (including humans) that ultimately promotes the survival of a species (via natural selection).

When the fight or flight response is activated, the cardiorespiratory system is given immediate emphasis while the digestive system takes a step back, thus why one loses appetite during a stressful event. Generally, the organism's body gets prepared to either deal with the threat or flee away from it.

Fight or flight response makes up the first stage of the general adaptation syndrome.
When the tiger pounced on the gazelle, the gazelle's fight or flight response kicked in and is what enabled the gazelle to flee from the tiger in a swift and nimble manner.
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