577 definitions by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian

A sentence or phrase used by someone (usually a kid) who becomes utterly annoyed hearing the same thing over and over again and being told what to do (usually from their teacher or parents).
Mom: You need to do your homework young man and you need to get it done now.
Son: I know, I know! What's what I'm trying to do, give me a break would ya?
Mom: I can't tell. Do it now
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 27, 2020
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A phrase with a similar meaning to "you rock!", "you're gonna own it! ", "you go girl!", etc etc.
Dude 1: Dude are you sure it's the right time to ask her out

Dude 2: Of course! You kill bro
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When a female has a pair of conspicuously voluptuous feet, so conspicuous to the point that it's honestly straight-up annoying. Typically this female has very large-sized feet, with long toes and large nail beds, more pronounced contours, and quite possibly veiny. Pretty much every feature of her foot has been 'enhanced', so to speak. Makes you really just wanna punch it (preferably with one's dick, if one has a feetish).

Not saying that's bad or anything, but personal preference-wise, some may prefer to keep a balance between gracefulness and suggestiveness. The same could be said with the buttocks and mammaries.
Tom: Hey girl you have some really punchable feet
Kimberly: ..thanks?
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1) A platonic way for guys to achieve mild orgasm. Blipping is when you use the good ol' pinch and roll method to soothe the itchy areas of your balls, but instead of rolling the skin, you sink your nails deep into the itchy patch of skin and then slowly and gentling clawing at it. When performing this, it will give you a great deal of soothing pleasure (and will make your balls incredibly sensitive). It is also more commonly known as pinch and dig.

2) The prelude to male masturbation. In this sense, blipping is the natural motion which occurs when a man lightly puts pressure on the side tissue of his penis with his thumb, as to get stiff for something they're about to get off to.
1) When I'm blipping, I'm happy. Blip at the source of the itch for the best relief.

2) As a notification lit up my screen and saw that it was from a hot chick on Tinder, I naturally began to blip.
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The Chinese wholesale site where most consumer brands get their merchandise from. Also named after the multibillion dollar company that created the site.
Scummy businesses often buy cheap merchandise from Alibaba, slap their logo on them, and then solely rely on catchy marketing tactics and social media to hype their product up.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 4, 2023
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As a han Chinese myself, I can confirm that Shuai means something cool, awesome, swag, dope, etc. It is indeed very similar to the Japanese equivalent of Sugoi. Part of me wishes that shuai became more popular than sugoi.
A: Look at that car
B: That's so shuai
A: Do you mean sugoi?
B: No, I mean shuai
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 5, 2021
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One cannot talk about the culture of 2010 without dividing the decade in half.

The first five years were pretty damn good. Pop culture was at its peak during this time, characterized by sensational music videos like gangnam style and the harlem shake, and pop artist icons such as Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Katy Perry. During this time period, EDM (primarily dubstep, electro and big room house) had become the new standard of pop music, slowly replacing rock-influenced pop music of the 2000s. Internet meme culture was becoming more and more mainstream, characterized by troll memes, rage comics, impact font image macros, and—by late 2014—finally evolving into the more familiar dank meme culture (shrek, mlg montage parodies). Other memorable cultural phenomenons around this time include Kony 2012, the "end of the world" on Dec 21 2012, and the ALS ice bucket challenge. This was also the time where smartphones and tablets were on the rise, laying the foundation to today's smartphone-driven society. Overall the first half of this decade was pretty cool and entertaining, lighthearted even, and did not disappoint.
The second half, however, is where everything went downhill. Not even starting with the apocalyptic election of Donald Trump, pop culture in general began devolving into a cesspit of mediocrity, where the entire industry seems to have shifted to a more methodical approach, relying more on generic yet effective formulas than ever before. This was the time when fidget spinners and dabbing were actually a thing, and when ASMR, mukbang, and slime videos started becoming all the rage. It is also in this second half of the decade where politics and social justice became a large area of concern (and contempt) to the public eye, which led to the widespread use of terms such as 'SJW', 'snowflake', alt-right', and 'liberal cuck'. Memes have also devolved, relying heavily on shallow humour, cringe, making innocent things look vile, and absurdity. Pretty much the second half of this decade is just a more shallower, convoluted, and depressing version of the first half.

Other notable cultural trends of the second half include, but are not limited to: fidget spinners

Person 1: Man, I miss 2010s culture, back when we had rage comics and back when filthyfrank was still active
Person 2: So I guess the 2010s must be your favourite decade

person 1: Well yes, but actually no.
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