11 definitions by Maia

less than 11 feet but more than 9 feet, a foot being a collection of twelve inches, as measured on a nonmetric ruler

not to be confused with a foot, the appendage at the end of the human leg

some say that the derivative the measurement of a foot comes from measuring the king's foot in olden days, but at some point this had to be simplified, as monarchy was abolished, and measuring human feet was deemed too irregular
by Maia June 28, 2004
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Maia is a fucking dirty STD carrying whore
by Maia January 25, 2004
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A shorter way of saying, "what's" or "what is". Word origniated by Emma Jean Berley while in conversation with her college pals.
Vas' really good? yo? (What's going on...yo.)

Vas ah? (what's up?)
by Maia January 26, 2005
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When You Finger An S.O.s Grundle Very Quikly
"Give Me a The Nest Faster Than .99!"
by Maia July 14, 2002
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