6 definitions by Magaz
by Magaz March 16, 2007
The art of cupping a fart with your hand and placing it in someones face "grifting" see also "cupcake"
by Magaz June 29, 2009
Grank is a combination of the words "Green" and "Skank" used to describe the Green Skanky Phlegm you get with a serious cold.
by Magaz April 28, 2007
by Magaz May 9, 2008
the act of fingering ones anus while simultaneously masturbating. More commonly called "Pokey bum wank"
by Magaz July 24, 2009
Not to be confused with a Manhattan Steamroller, the Manhattan Steamer is when you enter the bathroom after someone has just "Logged off" only to be hit in the face by a stench wave and a toilet full of steaming man log.
I had to log off in the garden this morning, Johnny had left a manhattan steamer that could make your eyes bleed!
by Magaz May 24, 2012