26 definitions by MIso

1. An example the majority of people follow, an establishment, set of values or ways

2. Paradigm City, Unknown Country. Established: more than forty years ago. Population: amnestic. Location: your local anime store;
People here don't really know what happened when they lost their memories forty years ago, so they move on.
1. I don't usually go with the paradigm.
2. Paradigm City's inhabitants remind me of the book (gasp! a book! run!) 1984 by George Orwell.
by MIso November 27, 2003
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1. Peanut with three nuts instead of two
2. Um, i don't think three-balled humans exist, but you never know
3. Nickname that started with the FIRST definition
1. Bwahaha, i got a trinut in my lunch today!
2. Kick the groper in the trinut and move on.
3. Trinut just did something really random.
by MIso December 5, 2003
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1)Son of Skyline
2)Fastest pocket rocket money can buy
3)Honda Killer
by MIso October 2, 2003
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Vash (well we really don't know his last name)
Fictional (dammit) main character of Trigun, an anime.
Vash the Stampede, The Humanoid Typhoon, $$60,000,000,000 Man
by MIso December 5, 2003
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1. exclamation or cheer, with suicidal tendancies; synonyms: banzai, here goes, wooo, oh crap

2. possibly from Chiricahua Apache leader's name, who was against the U.S. government and raided Mexican and American settlements in 1876-1886.
by MIso December 3, 2003
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thing you don't know the name of or can't describe

whatchamacallit, 'majigger, thingamajigger, thingy, thingamacallit, whatsit, supercalifragilisticexpialidocity
Hand me that whatchamajigger.
by MIso November 27, 2003
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1. Random insignificant character who usually dies after their short fifteen minutes of obscurity

2. Green clay figure in a spiffy clay cartoon who stars with the ALMIGHTY SPIFFY BLOCKHEADS who will take over the world!!
1. There's lots of Gumbys in Gundam Wing, which incidentally has nothing to do with clay.
2. Don't step on Gumby.
by MIso November 27, 2003
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