766 definitions by ME

.3x Century Optics wide angle camcorder lens. Used by skateboarders. The name was coined by the danger of skating close to the skater with the camera.
I want a death, but they're so expensive. They look sweet on a vx1000.
by ME March 19, 2003
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When a guy jerks another guys off.
Dude, I got home and saw my roommate Alex watching gay porn with Brian and they were friggen each other! I moved the next day.
by ME December 28, 2005
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Person who has lived in canada for mare than 3 days
by ME April 12, 2005
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Whats on cartoon network after the kiddies have to go to bed. Used to have Cowboy Bebop and for awhile had Fooley Cooley. Occasionally they have some good shows on, but it pretty much sucks nowadays.
Wohoo time for some of that adult swim.
by ME October 11, 2003
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A block that used to be good until they got rid of Mission Hill. That show kicked ass
by ME October 16, 2003
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A person who plays guitar.

About 1 in 10 guitarists actually get good at it. The rest learn shitty blink 182 songs to impress their friends. Some of these fuckwads form bands and spread their pathetic music around the world for many idiots to enjoy because they have never heard anything better.

Real guitarists include: Jimmy Page, Steve Vai, Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, John Petrucci, Eric Clapton and many other non ass holes.
1. I have a $10 guitar and know 3 chords! I r teh guitarizts

2. John Petrucci is one hell of a guitarist.
by ME December 23, 2004
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