13 definitions by M@77 J@M35

Something that you don't like or is a pain in the ass, except it is worse than a pain in the ass, and is a pain deeper in your ass. "Ayn" is obviously short for anus.
A Day to Remember is a shitty band and their music is a pain in the ayn! I like real metal, not that emo-punk crap.
by M@77 J@M35 June 15, 2011
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When someone feels bad for the people living in Seattle because of 2 reasons:

1. It is always cloudy and raining
2 and most importantly: it is where I-Carly takes place >.<
One of my friends is spending half the summer in Seattle. He has a 10-year-old brother who is unfortunate enough to grow up watching crappy new shows like iCarly, so I have great Seaympathy for them
by M@77 J@M35 August 6, 2012
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Showing great pride for the city or state one lives in, or at least constantly mentions it. And yes, much more than showing appreciation for the whole USA. The prime example for a city would be San Francisco, and the prime example for a state would be Rhode Island.
Today i saw a bunch of 16-year old white guys with saggin pants and backwards Giants (baseball) hats walking down the street shouting "SF is da hella legit shit, homiez!". They're very statriotic, but is that really a good reason to wave infinitely more rainbow flags than American flags?
by M@77 J@M35 January 4, 2013
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The 3 most hated people you know at your school. It could be anyone you don't like, but usually the evil 3 list is unanimously decided on by you and a few friends.
all of the evil 3 are in your wellness class?! damn, i feel srry for you
by M@77 J@M35 March 27, 2012
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When someone (usually with authority) gives you a big lecture about something you did, but it sounds more like an angry rant that exaggerates your mistake.
A certain residential staff with the initials HB gave my friend a big lerancture only because he wasnt paying attention in that stupid unnecessary meeting in the dining hall. The tyrannical leader pissed everyone off, but was fun to watch at the same time.
by M@77 J@M35 July 10, 2012
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An acronym for "Liberal Democrat Atheist who smokes marijuana" A deadly evil combination of lifestyle choices in present-day America.
That LDASM down the street voted for Obama, and hopefully won't do it again.
by M@77 J@M35 January 3, 2012
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When you roll down the window of a car and shout something at a person or people. Usually an insult.
I saw a group of punk-ass teenagers walking down the street and there was a guy making out with his girlfriend or some bullshit like that, and I rolled down the car window and did a drive-by shouting of "stop infecting this town!!"
by M@77 J@M35 June 21, 2011
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