4 definitions by Lrzewnicki

The use of a hotdog for a pipe when smoking reefer. Preferably a cheese filled hotdog.
I really want to get high, but all I got is this hotdog.
Yo, let's potdog that piece.
by Lrzewnicki August 30, 2009
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Fat, puffy, feet that resemble a paddle. Great for swimming, not so attractive to look at.
Look at that girls feet. I can't even see any toe definition.

Man, she is rocking some straight faddles.
by Lrzewnicki August 30, 2009
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A term used to describe the day of a brutal, painful hangover when you've finally recovered the following day.

The origin coming from the saying "I was a mess yesterday" when describing the day after a night of late partying, boozing, etc.
Luke: How was your weekend?
Joan: I went out all night on Saturday for my going away party and messterday I was just useless.
by Lrzewnicki October 8, 2013
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Someone who hates wasted, drunk, inebriated people
Way to sing that horrible rendition of 'Walk like an Egyptian'.

Man, you are a wastist.
by Lrzewnicki September 1, 2009
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