35 definitions by Lizzie

Can either be an insult or a term that discribes a cold man's dick. Ment to be offensive and is usually used when a pesrson is being an ass,ect.
The girl thought the boy was a dicksickle for being such a prick to her.
by Lizzie February 28, 2003
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waureegan ghetto
Lets go and chill wit frankie and lloyd in the weege!
by Lizzie May 2, 2003
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A person who surfs and wears surf clothes but also wears townieish/chavish clothing.
e.g. Billabong jumper, trucker cap, over tight jeans and fluroscent white skate shoes
by Lizzie March 24, 2005
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Totally Freak Out

Was used on the show Lizzie McGuire
My mom TFOed when she saw my nose ring.
by Lizzie October 6, 2004
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a woman who is so ugly that to call her a munter would be an understatement
oh my god, that is a scrunter
by Lizzie March 7, 2004
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Shape shifting human-lizard hybrids.
Generally heads of state, captains of industry, members of secret fraternal or black ops organizations. Not to be messed with.
I've also looked at Icke's writings, and the Bush family and many members of his cabinet, together with the royal heads of Europe and many members of Kalifornia's Bohemian Club all qualify as members of the shape shifting lizard-human hybrid family. The Queen Mother was supposed to be gargantuan and especially fierce when in her lizard form.
by Lizzie February 19, 2005
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