4 definitions by Lisa Padilla


The annoying habit of interrupting a person trying to make a point or posing a distraction for those trying to understand said point.
Conference attendee 1 "Hans Rosling gave a compelling speech about the world's economy, did you catch it?"

Conference attendee 2 "No! Some heckler was grok blocking me!"

Conference attendee 1 "Too bad. It was very informative."
by Lisa Padilla April 18, 2008
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A unit of measurement related to the quantity of social media popularity or publishing frequency usually displayed as a fraction.

Director of Marketing "How popular is our CEO's blog?"
SEM Manager "Great! He's nearly half a scoble."
by Lisa Padilla April 7, 2008
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A soft flame (email or comments) war initiated or participated in by a b-list blogger.
Boss "Is that flame war gonna hurt us?"
Social Media Consultant "It's not as bad as it looks, it was just a hussey, sir"
by Lisa Padilla April 7, 2008
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Being fired and then immediately rehired to do more work or the same work for less pay.
Boss "You're fired."
Employee "Oh no."
Boss "What if I let you stay on for 1/2 pay?"
Employee "...Okay."
Boss "See you tomorrow then."


Roommate "How did your day go, did you get fired?"
Employee "No, I got fhired."
by Lisa Padilla April 4, 2008
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