6 definitions by Liquid Sky

1. The act of fully inserting one's head between two cushions, upside-down with legs in the air on a leather couch for sexual pleasure/humiliation reasons. Popular among the 'Beats' scene in Edinburgh, Scotland.

2. The act of inserting one's head fully into a bull's anus and being dragged around a field for sexual/humiliation reasons. Also popular among the 'Beats' scene in Edinburgh, Scotland.

3. A highly successful 'Match Three' puzzle game, developed for mobile phones by 'I-play' games development company. Also popular among the 'Beats' scene in Edinburgh, Scotland.
1. "I heard Martin Kemp is really into the whole 'Big Kahuna Reef' thing. That's why he does all those leather couch adverts on TV. Sick."

2. "He was found dead in a field in Fife, suffocated and trampled, another example of a Big Kahuna Reef gone so very, very wrong."

3. "Hey I like this mobile phone game! It's called 'Big Kahuna Reef'."
by Liquid Sky November 4, 2007
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1. A bizarre and almost unattainable sexual position much favored by Roger Mellie in 'Viz' magazine.

2. 'Roots' Reggae.
1. Phwaaar, wouldn't mind a bit of Reggae like it used to be with that high-street honey. Phwaaaaar!

2. Hey man, you up for some proper reggae tonight, like real reggae, like... reggae like it used to be? Yeah mon?
by Liquid Sky December 8, 2007
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To drink huge amounts of beer or lager simply to get very, very drunk. Not to savor the taste or flavor, but just to get wasted. The phrase is used in London and parts of England, usually associated with wide-boy or East-end types, although a trip to Ibiza might be rewarded with a few examples too.
"C'mon boys! Let's get lagered-up! Look at the locals, they're waiting for us to get proper pissed! C'mon boys! Lagered-up! Lagered-up! Waaay!"
by Liquid Sky September 15, 2009
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1. Film starring Elvis Presley released in 1965, in which the popular singer travels to the Middle-East and is forced to assassinate people. Generally considered to be one of the entertainer's weaker movies.

2. Anarchic and mythological war of the sexes as depicted in Daniel Clowes' graphic novel, 'Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron'. In the book members of the female sex, led by the charismatic naturist Godfrey, rise up and begin using terrorist acts to subvert male authority. Eventually they storm the White House and hold the president ransom. While not the main focus of the comic it is nonetheless quite a spooky sub-plot.
1. Did you ever see Harum Scarum? Even as an Elvis fan I was slightly disappointed.

2. Harum Scarum man! The war of the sexes! You dig?
by Liquid Sky June 11, 2008
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Nickname of Gen X author Jay McInerney, as referenced in Bret Easton Ellis book 'Lunar Park'.
"That doesn't sound like... The Jayster..." (Bret - having been told that Jay McInerney was skinny dipping in his pool)
by Liquid Sky October 25, 2007
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Made-up film director name. When a movie turns out so bad the real director doesn't want his name associated with the project they may use this name instead. Sidney Lumet, Dennis Hopper and Sam Raimi have used the pseudonym respectively.
"I can't believe my movie turned out so crappy, better slap Adam Smithee on the credits or else my career's over."
by Liquid Sky October 10, 2007
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