7 definitions by Lil Traumatized

The act of ingesting L.S.D. through the bunghole.
"Judge Kavanaugh, it says here on your calendar that you were, 'dooping'? What is dooping judge?"

"Uh.... It's a drinking game...?"
by Lil Traumatized March 14, 2019
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Another word for pre cum
First invented by Cody Ko and Noel Miller of the Tiny Meat Gang
I tried to hold in all my pre Christmas when I saw those massive buns
by Lil Traumatized October 21, 2019
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Placed conveniently in the most boring town in Connecticut, this public high school is the breeding ground for rich douche canoes in salmon-colored shorts. Everyone drives a Jeep Wrangler with elevated tires to compensate for their tiny schlongs. I hope you like racism, because it's everywhere. The only plus is you can find a good spot to smoke weed in the bathroom.
"I go to Ridgefield High School."
"Wow, so you probably applied to Elon?"
by Lil Traumatized February 19, 2019
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A person who is ride or die for Donald Trump since day one, they will usually say they’re not racist but we all know people who have to say that are. They won’t listen to any opinions but their own and get offended any time someone brings up human rights. Pretty much the conservative version of a Libtard.
Yo ever since the election started Josh has been such a conservatool, he won’t stop talking about building a wall
by Lil Traumatized September 30, 2019
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The act of ingesting L.S.D. through the bunghole.
"Brett dooped so hard last night that he was seeing the next dimension."
by Lil Traumatized March 14, 2019
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When you aren’t wearing pants and your erection is activated by a cool breeze or a draft.
That draft felt nice on my shlong, it gave me a Bottomless Pinocchio. Thank god no one was there to see it.
by Lil Traumatized September 16, 2019
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See cunt. A greedy cumstain of a company who gives no shits about the fans and only about holding Spider-Man hostage.
by Lil Traumatized August 21, 2019
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