6 definitions by LiftedStarfish

Someone so sexy, his own name is a pickup line.
*Walks into a bar and sits next to random woman*
Hey, Captain Jack Harkness
*Everybody in the bar has sex with him*
by LiftedStarfish March 5, 2017
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Person 1: Yo, just got the new Galaxy S7
Terrorist: *Takes The Phone* ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!
by LiftedStarfish October 20, 2016
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An angsty teen is the cringiest form of a teenager on this planet. The angsty teen is typically described as an edgy, emo, and having no respect for those around them, as well as expecting everybody around them to cater to them. The angsty teen also thinks that he/she is depressed when really, they're just angry at the people around them because they aren't getting as much attention as the popular kids. They are also, for the most part, human adolescent between the ages of twelve and twenty, and can be found at Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and Twenty One Pilots concerts, as well as whining over the break up of My Chemical Romance, even though it's been several years since it happened.

If you ever come across an angsty teen, it is encouraged that you tell them to grow a spine and stop whining about shit that adults deal with on a daily basis and that the things that adults don't have to worry about, did had to worry about when they were teenagers. Seriously, grow a spine you entitled pieces of shit.
I thought Jeremy was gonna be a cool guy until he started acting like an angsty teen.
by LiftedStarfish July 17, 2017
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Acne, mood swings, obsessive sexual desires, wet dreams, menstruation, breasts, hair everywhere, penis enlargement. Basically the hell I'm going through before I can become an adult.
by LiftedStarfish November 30, 2015
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Acne, mood swings, obsessive sexual desires, wet dreams, menstruation, breasts, hair everywhere, penis enlargement. Basically the hell I'm going through before I can become an adult.
by LiftedStarfish November 30, 2015
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The first dance that a newlywed couple share during their wedding reception.
The song for Alan and Lyndsay's first dance was very fitting.
by LiftedStarfish September 29, 2017
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