43 definitions by LemmeF1ndOut

The act of throwing darts while drunk or intoxicated usually meaning the dartist is seeing double and the dart board is blurry
Stephanie was throwing great until that 5th shot of Southern Comfort and then she was playing darts of blurry the rest of the night.
by LemmeF1ndOut February 6, 2021
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A penis that is shaped like an upside down bowling pin with the base being thin and the head being extremely girthy.
Robyn wanted the credit she felt she deserved..... after all..... she was the one who sucked off the man with the upside down bowling pin penis
by LemmeF1ndOut November 27, 2021
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The act of being gakked while spun out on meth
Bob found some good shit and got all spugaked
by LemmeF1ndOut May 13, 2020
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An amazing happy ending massage done by and finished by an amazing asian.......AMASIAN!!!
LemmeF1ndOut you just had an amasian massage.......
by LemmeF1ndOut March 1, 2022
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A slang term referring to a gay man's butt hole.
Guy 1: hey I don't have the 20 bucks I owe you but how could I work off my debt?

Guy 2: same as last time.... bend over. 20 min in your holemo....

Guy 1: I was hoping you would say that..
by LemmeF1ndOut February 27, 2022
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When a girl has a penis in hand, jacking it off, and her grip gives that perfect sensation of firm yet soft and delicate.
OMG Stephanie you always have a juidicksu grip when you stroke my cock
by LemmeF1ndOut March 18, 2021
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This is the true definition for oral sex on a male. Some know it as a blow job when in fact there is no blowing...... Information gathered from both men and women agree it is in fact a "sucking" action... And unless it is being paid for it is not a job..... There for I believe it should rightly be called a sucking privilege.....
The 'ol lady gave me the best sucking privilege I've ever had last night.
by LemmeF1ndOut March 2, 2020
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