12 definitions by Laurie *is hot*

The best basketball team of all time.
"Are you a UNC fan?"
"Hell naw, I'm a Duke fan."
by Laurie *is hot* April 9, 2005
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short for the word 'ever.'
"That is the ugliest thing ev."
by Laurie *is hot* April 9, 2005
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1. a really good-smelling cologne.

2. probably some other perverted definition.
1. "Damn he smells good. That guy must be wearing Axe."

2. "You shoulda seen that axe. That shit was tight."
by Laurie *is hot* April 9, 2005
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When something happens that is out of one's control and usually results in a negative situations.

also see shit.
Laurie: I spent my paycheck on drugs and now the landlord is kicking me out for not paying rent.

Leah: Shit happens.
by Laurie *is hot* April 9, 2005
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noun. a gangsta that is not african-american. slightly lower on the cool-facter scale.

can also be used as an adverb.

also see janksta.
"Eminem is a jankster."

"That's jankster."
by Laurie *is hot* April 9, 2005
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Short for the word 'whatever'.
"She told me I was fugly, I was like, 'whatev, ho.'"
by Laurie *is hot* April 9, 2005
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wheat, rye, barley.

common allergen.
"I am allergic to gluten."
by Laurie *is hot* April 9, 2005
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