4 definitions by Laurelina

1) An accident prone individual
2) A technology disaster waiting to happen
That laptop was a nodge!
by Laurelina September 10, 2005
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A gathering of pervy people highly inclined to masterbate and autohit.
"Were you in that attentionworld last night? It was flamin'."
by Laurelina August 21, 2006
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A figure skating jump that consists of a takeoff from a forward outside edge, 1 and ½ rotations in the air, and a landing on the backward outside edge. Named after Axel Paulsen, the Norwegian skater who first performed it in 1882.

Also known as the element of hell.
I blew my axel again today.
by Laurelina October 24, 2006
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In a text-based role-play, the act of delibrately attacking another character without their creator's consent. Usually one of the most illegal moves possible on roleplay sites.
When Mary Sue beheaded Martin, that was an autohit.
by Laurelina August 21, 2006
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