4 definitions by LaDiablo

An incorrect way of spelling evanescence, most generally applied by children too stupid to understand when they are gracelessly revealing their ignorance.
Original definer: Evanescance are some shitty emo band who attract dumbass teens.
Reply: Perhaps you should learn how to spell Evanescence before embarassing yourself in front of "dumbasses."
by LaDiablo April 19, 2006
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To fall prey to; to bow down to. To be susceptible to.
It took fifteen minutes for the girl to fall suscept to the dozen shots of tequila she had just consumed.
by LaDiablo April 23, 2009
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A tragically underestimated rock band hailing from Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S. Often known by idiots for "calling themselves gothic," "ripping off Lacuna Coil," and other overconformed demi-insults. Most known for the songs "My Immortal" and "Bring Me to Life." People generally forget that Evanescence has a large collection of songs pre-Fallen.

Ev have covered many songs, most notably "Tourniquet" ("My Tourniquet") by Soul Asylum and "Thoughtless" by Korn.
Annabelle: Despite how their lead vocalist always tries to go around saying "Oh, I'm such a demi-goth."
Reply: Imbucile, stop pretending you know what you're saying and actually read a fucking interview.
by LaDiablo August 19, 2005
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Diphenhydramine is most known for its active properties in over-the-counter antihistamine benadryl. Very good for taking care of allergies, but drowsiness is a significant concern. For this reason, it's often used as a sleep aid.

Also used frequently for a cheap, fast high. Causes visual and auditory hallucinations, dizziness, confusion, delirium, and finally sedation. Makes music, breathing, and movement pleasing. Negative side effects from overdose include cottonmouth, irregular urination, amnesia, and erectile dysfunction.
I took 600 mg of diphenhydramine last night and could have sworn my house was on fire and the teapots were singing to me...
by LaDiablo May 4, 2006
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