50 definitions by Kwing


- Hey!
- Hi what's up? :-h
by Kwing September 18, 2010
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Stands for Age, Sex, Location. What it really means is that whoever is asking the question has an "Awful Sex Life".
Joe: asl?
Phil: screw off, rapist
by Kwing August 7, 2009
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Variation of a Convulsion. Seemingly less severe, creating less of a mess.
She was hit with a Spasm and collapsed.
by Kwing October 29, 2009
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A spell for mind manipulation. Makes the target forget what they were doing at the moment.
A couple officers approached us, but I used a Glaze on them to send them away.
by Kwing October 29, 2009
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Spiraling Dismemberment

Variation of a Convulsion. Its varying significance from it is unspecified.
Nouda shot a Spiraling Dismemberment at me.
by Kwing October 29, 2009
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Attack similar to a Pestilence, but doesn't linger as long.
The Miasma erupted on the Utukku, striking dangerously at its face.
by Kwing October 29, 2009
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1. In dubstep, dirty indicates lots of wobble and bass drops.
2. Sexually promiscuous, often a reference to sexually transmitted diseases.
3. Unsanitary or germ-infested.
1. Rusko is dirty.
2. Sasha Grey is dirty.
3. McDonald's bathrooms are dirty.
by Kwing September 15, 2010
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