27 definitions by Kongamuse

A French nickname for a depressive, gloomy, melancholic person. Can also be spelled Mélanchon in Standard French.

Interesting historical factoid: This name was given to Pierre Laverdure ("Pierre the Green") a French colonist from La Rochelle, in Western France, who settled in Nova Scotia and Quebec. All Quebec and Louisiana Cajuns who bear this last name are all descended from him, and all are related to each other at some point. See: cousins

Laverdure was known for witnessing many tragedies in his life, and suffering from bouts of traumatic melancholia. Hence his nickname given by other colonists.

Pronounced: May-la'h-sa'h (letter N's are usually silent in French, after the first letter)
"Le pauvre petit Mélançon"
by Kongamuse June 1, 2013
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This is the biggest bullshit ever. We had it all. One powerful country that went down to the fucking toilet.

I am from Croatia and I can live aside my fellow Serbian like brothers; but you people are too uptight about your "national pride" to do so. You ruin a good country. Fuck racism. Fuck you all. Fuck fascism. Fuck nationalism.
Yugoslavia was a good vision of a country that should never have broken up.
by Kongamuse January 22, 2012
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The New Aryan Empire and the future of Russia, as well as the Western world and Europe.

Russia will dominate the world, and may even take the rest of Europe with them. While the American Empire, still stuck on left-wing ideas; collapses. Obama is, quite simply, an incompetent retard.

According to Nietzsche's psychoanalysis, this cause, is eventually inevitable to happen. Most gullible Americans still choose to believe that Obama and left-wing politics will work. And ignore the reality that Jews control their governments. While the Russians kicked them out in the Bolshevik Revolution.

All other countries in Europe (i.e. Poland, Germany, France, UK, Spain etc.) will inevitably be forced into the Russian Empire, in order to save themselves.

The Russian Empire will be the largest and most successful empire since the Roman Empire.
North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) will enter a dark ages, and will be filled full of both civil wars and race wars and mass starvation. The Balkanization of America is inevitably coming. The Southerners are tired of being held down by the North. And the Mexicans more and more want Texas and the Western USA.

There will also be the death of multiculturalism and races living together. Segregationism will begin to rise.

Americans; and everything they have lived and worked for, will become totally irrelevant. In 100 years, most people in Europe will be speaking Russian. But first they have to fight off the niggers breeding in Africa, and of course, put up borders in Europe.

All left-wingers of the Western world, will die off. Because quite simply, they are idiots, weaklings and breed less. Gays, feminists, abortionists, communists, anarchists, will all go out the window. Delusional, weak-minded, irrelevant people who hate life and do not strive to make it better. The low birth rate in Europe is good, for it gets rid of all these degenerate people, and their idiot descendants.

I hope you people enjoy Obama and Semites slowly destroying America. And you people won't even know why I'm writing this message, either! (They'll just cast me off as an uneducated redneck or a hick. Or a neo-nazi. The majority of you people are so delusional. It's funny.)

"All hail our new Russian Empire!" - Said the Aryan Europeans, post-American influence on the West.
by Kongamuse December 31, 2014
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The most cowardly people in the Western world. They like to think their shit doesn't stink, just because their ancestors built an awesome culture. or something. That's really all that I see about them. Superficial attention whores.

The only reason people like the French is because of their culture. Which is a pretty shallow reason to like them. The modern French people are total douches, they are dumb as hell, and they have not lived up to their ancestors' names. They are descendants of Gallo and Breton Celts, Frankish Germans, & Greco-Italians. They preach about left-wing ideas such as tolerance, while being xenophobic themselves. Basically its a PC Marxist shithole, where reality is ignored & contradictory lives run rampant. They are also tolerant of Muslims & Jews, Gypsies & other leaches. (I have no idea why the French waste time on these people...)

(Even Cajuns don't like French people. I should know ... I am one. Don't believe me? I can prove it....Last name is FONTENOT, family is originally from VENDEE, POITOU and BRITTANY...I live in Louisiana. Born of mostly Catholic family. Am a Deist. And I do know who Bonaparte, Voltaire and Clovis are. And yes, I CAN point France out on a map......How many French people can point out, Louisiana I wonder..)

As an American with Cajun French ancestry, I really have to laugh at all of these French nerds bashing CMT and rednecks on this website. (As if there is anything fuckin wrong with being country in the first place.) Fagz.
Polish, Serbs & Russians are far cooler. Beware of your interactions with these people, as they are usually not to be trusted, for they are known for their cowardice & complicity. Common personality traits of a French include metrosexuality, backstabbing, political correctness, obnoxious liberalism, hatred of rednecks, Serbs, Russians and other hard-working people, pseudo-intellectualism, contradictory lifestyle (xenophobic, yet preaching tolerance), bashing almost anyone who isn't them, affection for homosexuals, superficiality, all talk no actions, lack of fortitude, self-pity.
by Kongamuse December 11, 2013
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God I LOVE seeing people fail. It's so hilarious. I hope the whole economy collapses and anarchy and chaos and riots ensue.

Overpopulation is bad. We need to kill off several billion people with disease and starvation. The more of this pathetic mess of a species is wiped out, the better.

We also need to establish a totalitarian governmental dictatorship that reign over the idiotic majority. The remaining idiotic masses can be serfs and wage slaves since they already do not seem to mind it now, and since their minds are already on such a retarded level.

We'll work 'em hard. Like they're in boot camp.

If the serfs act up and do not do what the dictators tell them, we'll just torture them. Amputate them without anesthesia; rip off their limbs. See how they like that.

"Fuck the economy! I hope it goes to shit! Fuck you all!" - Me

And here come the thumbs down!

Quit whining you turds. No pain = no gain.
by Kongamuse February 17, 2011
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Despite popular belief (from many pseudo-intellectuals, who don't understand him) Friedrich Nietzsche WAS, in-fact, an antisemite, and his views are very in-concordance with Nazi and Fascist ideologies, and individualism. Nietzsche was all about self-governance and individualism, and choosing one's fate. (Self-determination.)

In fact, in his book, Anti-Christ, he called the Jews "the strangest race on Earth and human history." And a "life-denying" people. He was very anti-Judeo-Christianity and Abrahamic religion (i.e. Christianity, Islam), believing that these Semitic values, contradicted human nature and made people weak, degenerate and life-denying. He believed that the values of Buddhism and paganism were far more legitimate in empowering people. Nietzsche was all about exercising individual's human nature and prejudices, because not doing so, would cost them power, and would make individuals weak and degenerate. It is fair to say that Nietzsche was in favor of both totalitarianism, as well as Tribalism/Anarchy, (opposite of totalitarianism) but as long as they exercised the individual's will-to-power, and there were no Untermenshen to disrupt the natural power process. (This means that Nietzsche would be, very in-favor of concepts such as racial segregation.)
People (mostly misinformed left-wingers, Marxists, or Utilitarians, or Anarchist teenagers, and other deceitful charlatans) who think that Friedrich Nietzsche wasn't an antisemite are total idiots, and clearly have not read many of his writings. The guy was totally and completely antisemitic.
by Kongamuse November 14, 2013
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