by Butch46 May 17, 2011
Punk ace town.
Either you love it here or you hate it here.
There is no in between.
Nothing to do.
Town lives for football. GO WILDCATS!
Too much traffic.
Iddy biddy living space.
Either you love it here or you hate it here.
There is no in between.
Nothing to do.
Town lives for football. GO WILDCATS!
Too much traffic.
Iddy biddy living space.
by kstar2008 February 27, 2009
Clovis is a town in New Mexico that you don't want to go to in the summer or the winter for that matter. There are flies everywhere and you can't even put your burger down for three seconds before two flies land on it. There's crazy people and meth heads everywhere, and stupid stores called Allsups. You've got your crack whores, prostitutes and the only beautiful people you see there are at the Cannon Air Force Base; and they're beautiful because they're from other places. The natives are all ugly motherfuckers with bad attitudes. The only good place to eat is Chili's. Oh! And the roads! If you spend a whole week there you'll have to replace your tires at the end of the week.
by Ghoulia December 17, 2012
He was the worst king in the history. Despite the adversity of having a crackwhore mother and a lazy, jobless father, he was able to become a King. But then his downfall came when he started to become lazy like his father and promiscuous like his both parents. He engages in having sex everyday with his random slaves until he accidentally raped a promising woman in the government that does not follow the rules of the king.
He was the worst king in the history. Despite the adversity of having a crackwhore mother and a lazy, jobless father, he was able to become a King. But then his downfall came when he started to become lazy like his father and promiscuous like his both parents. He engages in having sex everyday with his random slaves until he accidentally raped a promising woman in the government that does not follow the rules of the king.
by Kcalfé January 11, 2023
by Jordon Lowndes January 20, 2008
The City of Clovis was named after its public spirited pioneer, Clovis M. Cole, a man who spent nearly all of his life in the vicinity. Clovis is the "Better part of Fresno" and has a wonderful school district. Located in the northeast quadrant of the Fresno-Clovis Metropolitan Area, Clovis is situated in the midst of the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley. Since its incorporation in 1912, Clovis has been the "Gateway to the Sierra."
by LordOrman December 28, 2006