8 definitions by Kizza

verb - usually permantently disallowed from a gaming/irc/chat/forum server for doing something completely dispicable.
/ctcp (Insert Server Bot here)
You must set your firewall to allow port 59 to use this server.
(Kizza) Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!!111
(Insert Server Bot here) You are banned from my server, Idiots do not use my server.
Kizza banned from server (Reason: For being an idiot)

True Story ;-)
by Kizza February 6, 2005
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verb - to be disconnected from an irc/chat/gaming server by the admin for being an asshole or if the server just doesn't like you.
That f4g admin on GameArena kicked me coz I was pwning his 4$$!!!!!11
by Kizza February 6, 2005
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spizzy great excellent awsomwe
thats spizzy
as in that is good /excellent/awsome
by Kizza September 22, 2004
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The difference between Hentai and Anime is simply this. Hentai is art of a Japanese drawing style that depicts sexually explicit scenes.

Anime is art of a Japanese drawing style not depicting sexually explicit scenes, though usually tells a story of fantasy or something that can't be done in real life.
Timmy - Father, Gareth has 13 gig of Hentai on his computer, is he going to hell?
(Father salivates)
Father - He sure is, Timmy, He sure is...

Timmy - Hey, Gareth, check out .Hack// it's better than that Sailor Moon crap isn't it?
(Gareth salivates)
Gareth - It sure is, Timmy, It sure is...
by Kizza February 6, 2005
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A girl who enjoys listening to music about sexual deception. She has a pet chiwowa named Spunky and spends her days baking and basking in the sun on her trellis overlooking the scenic town of Mt Roskill
1) I hear someone screaming it seems to be coming from miles away it must be Niharika

2) this is the story of nihuricane...*music plays* a girl who the authorites came to claim, for something that she had never done! dun dun dun...*fades out*
by Kizza July 9, 2003
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