16 definitions by King Asshat XVIII of Asshatia

A movie and video game rental company. They supposedly no longer charge late fees for their items - primarily because Netflix is kicking their ass in market share. However, this is misleading, because individual stores are not required to honor that commitment!
I have yet to see one single local Blockbuster that doesn't have a sign reading "we do not participate in the 'No Late Fees' policy as advertised on T.V."
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1) An idiot, a stupid person.

2) A scrotum sack that has seen too much masturbation.
1) STFU, whackbag.

2) Dude, lay off the pr0n. Your whackbag is about to fall off.
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1) A run down area of any town or city, but most often used in terms of the inner city. Any area with low or non-existent property value. May or may not refer to a high-crime area, but often does.

2) Anything that is jury rigged, broken in some way, or otherwise of generally poor quality. Refers to the frequency at which poverty-stricken people must improvise to survive on low income.
1) Pine Manor is a ghetto so full of drug dealers and other criminals, that it is often nicknamed "Crime Manor."

2) The students called their portable classroom "ghetto" because one of the windows is broken, the walls are covered with mold and ancient spitwads, the desks are falling apart, and the whiteboard has a number of inexplicable dents in it.
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An inside joke among Bellsouth Dial-Up tech support agents (actually Calltech, who outsource for Bellsouth). Comes from a phony customer listing named "Monkey Butter" which was used much like a message board between the agents. It had a lot of funny posts and lots of HTML. It was eventually deleted when one of the supervisors caught wind of it.

On a related note, another agent created a listing called "Son of Monkey Butter" and was fired in short order for it.
"Dude, check out what somebody put on Monkeybutter!"
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Understand The Fucking Manual. Used in response to 1337 h4xx0r d00dz telling one to RTFM after they politely asked for help.
I'd RTFM, but I can't UTFM.
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A cute little d00d that plays card games. He also has a darker side, the soul of an ancient pharoah inside the Sennen Puzzle who would probably force half the people who posted in this word into one of his infamous Punishment Games.
Yugi: I'm not a cardfucker...;-;
by King Asshat XVIII of Asshatia September 20, 2003
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When you play videogames for so long that you piss off your girlfriend. Comes from the MM0G term aggro.
Oops, I played EverCrack for too long. Now I have girlfriend aggro.
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