6 definitions by KOALAFIEDt

This word consists of 2 memes at once. 69 is a sex position and 420 is internet slang for weed.
Student A: Man, our D&T teacher is so 8745. He is worse than Small Ng.
Student B: Stop being so cringe and 69420. It's none of your business.
by KOALAFIEDt September 18, 2022
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It consists of 2 memes. 69 means sed position and 420 is an internet slang.
Student A: Our teacher is so 8745, it’s even worse than small Ng.
Student B: Stop be so 69420, it’s none of your business.
by KOALAFIEDt September 18, 2022
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Type an example of the word of how it's used in a sentence...
by KOALAFIEDt November 14, 2022
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When you are so bored that you search the definition of definition, well here you go >:T
: a statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol
dictionary definitions
: a statement expressing the essential nature of something
: a product of defining
: the action or process of stating the meaning of a word or word group
: the action or the power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear
the definition of a telescope
her comic genius is beyond definition
: clarity of visual presentation : distinctness of outline or detail
improve the definition of an image
: clarity especially of musical sound in reproduction
: sharp demarcation of outlines or limits
a jacket with distinct waist definition
: an act of determining
specifically : the formal proclamation of a Roman Catholic dogma
Average guy in Ohio: Let me search the definition of definition...
Random KOALAfied Person: ok this guy's dead.
by KOALAFIEDt December 13, 2022
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It's a koala pun which is funny in its pronunciation. We usually say quality, but "quali" sounds like "koala", and "ty" sounds like "tea". ~TexpoKOALA
Did you hear the joke about the koala bear who preferred to steep its eucalyptus leaves in water instead of eating them?
It's a koalatea joke.
by KOALAFIEDt September 18, 2022
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Student A: Stop taradidling and stfu.

Student B: Arh, stop be so 8745, go and fry squid noob.
Student A: Oh no, there are squid cum.
Student B: 'Cuz I am a Taradiddle.
by KOALAFIEDt December 15, 2022
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