6 definitions by Justzisguyyaknow

A term to describe a new thought line to address a solution to a deeply seeded sociopolitical issue. One that is aligned with progressive thought and attempts to breathe new life into everyone around it.
Oh - he’s the Pope and said it’s ok to be gay? If he means it, that’s so pine fresh.
by Justzisguyyaknow March 26, 2021
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When you’re the boss and want to appear as a bad ass, but you have no idea how to fix a problem… you can say this openly to the group, knowing a subordinate can fix the issue and giving them control of the situation.
We can’t launch!?! I’d piss on a sparkplug if I thought it would do any good!
by Justzisguyyaknow November 30, 2022
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The name assigned to one seeking to remove attention to themselves when going undercover in a corporate setting. Usually a quiet type, often siloed to a single project, but always paired with the Target at some point. Not uncommon to be paired with a manager with a first name like Larry or Joe in the case of corporate takeovers.
Hey man, I hear we’ve just hired a new engineer named John Smith to take over your project… and some new manager to oversee it named Joe. Foster the people bro’ - this could be the end for us.
by Justzisguyyaknow September 19, 2021
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A person that follows in the older generations foot steps without questioning it or adding anything of there own. The individual targeted with the parrot daddy is usually because the knowledge of the topic from the older generation was accurate and efficient. They know attempts to improve it results in overthinking and over-complications. Parrot Daddy is generally used by those infected with millennial narcissism targeting those older and wiser. The Target knows it is an attempted slap in the face, but takes it as a compliment.
He is using the old Unix commands from the command line, when he could totally be using the GUI!?!? What a parrot daddy.
by Justzisguyyaknow October 11, 2022
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To make a cut in a finger so deep it severs a tendon. Often occurs in a kitchen when a chef has been drinking the bourbon all day instead of using it to deglaze the pan.
Did you see head chef Eric? He hit the sauce early and just totally culped his thumb!
by Justzisguyyaknow July 5, 2020
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A term to define the actions of one who is often prevaricative. While not commonly used after 1896, the term has resurged when no one one you work with believes that your usage of equivilate was proper.
I don’t know what he meant when he said my presentation was equivilative, he can be so prevarilative!
by Justzisguyyaknow October 20, 2020
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