217 definitions by Jumbled McGobbledygook

The Common North American Trump (Anus Tangerinus), known commonly by the locals as an Orange Arsehole is a large animal, tall but bulbous in the middle with oddly coloured tangerine skin. A wafty wispy plume of light orange hair adorns its head. This plumage has for years intrigued scientists, hair dressers and bloggers alike. No one can agree on its purpose, what it hides, what it signifies or indeed how evolution saw fit to make it that way. The only Anus tangerinus in captivity can be seen at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It generally comes out of its enclosure once or twice a day. When threatened, Anus tangerinus emits hostile tweets.
The Anus tangerinus generally lives in large white abodes that it fights over with rivals every 4 years.
by Jumbled McGobbledygook December 10, 2020
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an animated piece of turd that can crawl like a sidewinder
Watch out for that turdwinder, it's chasing you!
by Jumbled McGobbledygook April 18, 2021
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Assmeralda is a bubbly butt, big booty girl who loves anal sex more than anything else. She can only orgasm from anal. She is the perfect anal queen.
Hey is that Esmeralda over there? She is my Assmeralda
by Jumbled McGobbledygook February 17, 2021
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derived from a prehistoric flightless raptor, a piece of turd that viciously attacks you
Jim: Tony, fuck off, don't be such a turdociraptor
by Jumbled McGobbledygook April 18, 2021
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Priyadarshani Narayan Yadav of Lucknow, who violently assaulted an innocent cab driver on a traffic intersection in front of hundreds of passerby as well as the traffic police, stopping the vehicular traffic & creating a huge spectacle. She stole his money, destroyed his mobile phone & slapped him 22 times for no reason while he sucked it up exercising extreme restraint, saying, if you were a man I would retaliate. The video is viral all over India & has attracted significant global attention. Lucknow girl is worse than 100 Karens combined.
People are demanding that Lucknow girl be put behind bars for aggravated assault, robbery & destruction of someone's possessions.
by Jumbled McGobbledygook August 7, 2021
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COVID-19 pandemic

Believed to be initially spread by a fart after a certain dumbass asian ate some infected bat soup & farted. The first ever human to human transmission is believed to have occurred when his attendant happened to have sniffed the infected fart.
Jinping Pox has not yet been eradicated
by Jumbled McGobbledygook December 10, 2020
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