15 definitions by Johnny Twoguns

‘I’m not frickin’ African American. I’m American. I have never been to Africa, and I never want to. I can barely tell you five countries in the stupid place.’

Black people aren’t offended by the word ‘black’. Only white people are. Which makes no sense whatsoever. Truthfully, if you came up to me and called me an ‘African American’ then I’d be offended, but if you called me ‘black’ I probably wouldn’t even notice.
by Johnny Twoguns August 5, 2004
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phrase NOT coined by Cam'Ron, but by his young protege Juelz Santana.

used after a phrase that sounds ambigously gay or 'homo', so that your friends won't call you a 'homo'

very homophobic.
'no homo but we cockin' em' - Juelz Santana

'yo homie, i just spent five hours talking with my man on the phone, no homo' - random dude
by Johnny Twoguns August 13, 2004
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A wack ass white boy who listened to bullshit like Aesop Rock and wants to take the "black element" out of hip hop.
"Man, backpackers are such faggots."
by Johnny Twoguns October 12, 2003
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A long white t-shirt (3xl-6xl) that is worn like a dress by urban youths. Worn with baggy jeans, a fitted cap, and white forces.

In Baltimore, cats wear it to fit 'the uniform', so when cops say, 'I'm lookin' for a black youth in a long white t-shirt, baggy jeans, and white nikes', he won't be able to tell who he's looking for.'

Baltimore can do this because it's a gaint ghetto, a southern state in the north.
'Look at Master P is his xtra meduim shirt, that's not a true white tee!'

Extra Meduim - Very long shirt in length, but sleeves don't go below elbow.
by Johnny Twoguns August 3, 2004
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The length of a black person's cornrows on their neck. If thier braids don't reach AT LEAST their midneck, then they have no 'hang time'. If they've been growing their hair for more than three years and don't have hangtime they need to wear weave or cut thier hair off.
'Yo, that fool been growing his hair for five years and he still ain't got no hangtime. He just needs to cut that shit off.'
by Johnny Twoguns August 3, 2004
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oral sex

a slang term coined from the fact that head = brain.
'They call me the scarecrow, cuz I'm lookin' for some brain' - Nick gotta Cannon
by Johnny Twoguns August 13, 2004
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First of all, hip-hop is more than the 'four elements'. If our culture is limited to writing illegible crap on walks, and yelling into a microphone, then it's not that great of a culture at all.

Hip Hop is the way we talk, the way we act, our fashion, our lifestyle, and our people. It's the culture of the streets,

Secondly, hip hop is NOT a music genre. Like my man said below me, rap is something you do, hip hop is something you live. Rap is just a part of hip hop, and frankly it's the part that is pretty much selling-out and shitting on it as well.
'Hip Hop is the culture of the streets. The voice of the urban community. The uniter of minorities.' - J2G

'Rap is something you do. Hip-Hop is something you live.' - KRS-One
by Johnny Twoguns August 4, 2004
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