6 definitions by Jesus Christ $uperstar

Any video game controller that isn't a part of that system's brand controllers. If someone owns 4 controllers for a video game system, statistics show that at least one of these controllers is a Mad Catz, because they're much cheaper than the actual brand controllers. All Mad Catz for every generation of controller includes a turbo button, which royally fucks you over if you ever touch it.

NOTE: Despite the company that the "makeshift" controller comes from, it is still referred to as a Mad Catz controller.
John: "Yo, you wanna play some 4 player Hello Kitty Island Adventure with us?"

Xavier: "Ya, as long as I don't have to use the Mad Catz though."
by Jesus Christ $uperstar October 12, 2010
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Noun- someone that completely lacks knowledge and looks foolish because so
"Jesus Christ. You're such a briefcase Mike; Robert Frost wasn't just stopping by woods on a snowy evening."
by Jesus Christ $uperstar October 12, 2009
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A very real and dangerous group, seeing to destroy the very fiber that holds together the United States of America. When you see a member of the TPDS, you should do what the rest of us do: run.
Hey, Horatio, did you hear that the Tea Party Death Squad brutally murdered 14 komodo dragons?
by Jesus Christ $uperstar April 21, 2011
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When a minor character in a film or tv series with little screen time becomes one of the most beloved characters in the show/movie. Its name originates from the character Boba Fett from Star Wars who, despite having little screen time, very few lines and a disappointingly lame death in the original trilogy, gained a cult following and is by far one of the coolest characters in the Star Wars universe.
Brunhilda: "Daryl is my favorite character in the Walking Dead! So bad ass"

Frankie: "lol...Boba Fett Syndrome..."
by Jesus Christ $uperstar March 30, 2012
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The point on the map where the equator meets the prime meridian. It's like in the Atlantic ocean off the eastern coast of Africa
"Hey Jude, have you ever been to zero zero?!"
by Jesus Christ $uperstar July 2, 2018
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Words or phrases used by management or other dick-sucking bureaucrats at a business that have no innate meaning and will leave you confused as to what the hell they're trying to say.

Examples include: synergy, intelligence, integrated, streamlined, core competencies, skin in the game, etc.

Businesses with shitty or unimaginative names usually have some sort of combination of these terms like "Syntelligence" or "Tech-Synergy"
Manager: "It seems to me that by breaking down the silos, we can better leverage our respective core competencies and ensure that we win in this space. Without cross-channel implementation of new paradigms, we won't have a chair at the adults' table."

Quinton: "fuck you and your corpspeak"
by Jesus Christ $uperstar June 18, 2015
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