15 definitions by Jesse Colburn

the opposite of included. synonymous with exclude

when you purposefully keep someone "out" of a conversation or group.

to fire someone
we really need to outclude him in our next meeting
by Jesse Colburn March 22, 2010
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another name for the Holy Bible. it's the opposite of LIEbrary (becasue a library is obviously a place of secular and evil literature)
hey check out the guy over there

yeah looks like he's a good xian reading his truthbrary.
by Jesse Colburn January 8, 2008
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to leave someone out. also an opposite of include (to be used when you have overused outclude)

this is slightly softer than outclude, because it can be an accident or perception.

*originally created by Josh Berkley
she decluded me from her list of facebook friends

i kinda felt decluded by you whispering in the corner
by Jesse Colburn March 22, 2010
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to rest. stop.

comes from that thing that happens when the fooseball on the table stops in one of those spots where it can't be hit.
i have the weekend off so i am just going to let it foose
by Jesse Colburn January 22, 2009
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to vent, use a lot of words, free form rap, a braindump of ideas.

could be used to describe a lengthy blog post, or a boring speech.

can be used in a positive or negitive way.
wow honey, that was quite a spill.
by Jesse Colburn August 15, 2007
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racing fans who purchase cable for the 3 months during the nascar chase for the cup then cancel.
do you have cable? no, but we will in the fall... we're cuppers.

did you hear that they only have cable for the nascar chase? what a bunch a cuppers.
by Jesse Colburn May 25, 2009
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to be awake, out of bed, or standing up.
dude, it's 3am. i will text you back when i am upright.
by Jesse Colburn January 24, 2008
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