5 definitions by Jeremy L______ong
The act of urinating inside of a girl's ass, then have anal. your penis will have a slight smell of mango juice.
by Jeremy L______ong April 21, 2017
When one uses Moroccan hot sauce as a moisturizer on a mans cock and proceeds to fuck the girl in the ass. Once the man comes, he must do so on her face and make sure the sauce falls into her eye causing excruciating pain.
"Wow, this chicken is so spicy."
"Well I bet you can't wait to receive the Moroccan spice fuck later".
"Well I bet you can't wait to receive the Moroccan spice fuck later".
by Jeremy L______ong April 24, 2017
When you hire a prostiute from the suburb of Colac in Melbourne, Australia and after some sexual acts, to top it off the women shall step directly on to the males testical, bursting the testicle resulting in excruciating pain.
"Shit man, my bloody testicles are still hurting from that god damn the Colac Sheila last night. God she got me horny though".
by Jeremy L______ong April 24, 2017
Whenever an Asian man is in need of a false name, Jeremy Long will do the trick! It also gives a hint as to how long his Asian penis is.
by Jeremy L______ong April 21, 2017
The act of performing a circumcision procedure on ones self with a flaming red hot 1000 degree heated sword. Usually performed in the Congo.
"Son, it's now your time are you ready to man up? I did it when I was your age, now you have to perform the Congolese flaming Snip".
by Jeremy L______ong April 24, 2017