125 definitions by Jb

Engineered by the awesome Aussie duo Roy and HG on "The Dream", a nightly TV review of each day of the 2000 Sydney Olympics, were a number of terms describing particular moves by male gymnasts. Hello boys refers to the spreading of the legs while either performing a handstand or sitting midair on straightened arms.
And.......wait fot it......hello boys!
by Jb February 28, 2005
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Yo JsKafe, u up for beef & beer this evnin'
by Jb January 8, 2004
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City in England where foreign bank accounts go to die.
A sandwich, potato chips (as Americans know them) and a Diet Coke at a Subway in London cost me the equivalent of US$14.
by Jb June 23, 2004
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Uneducated way of saying, "got." Got = Have.
I ain't gat no money.

That is, "I have no money."
by Jb December 18, 2004
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Slapping, hitting or thwapping one's manhood after asking the question "what's the capitol of Thailand?".
After correctly answering my question about the capitol city of Thailand, I gave him a "Bang Cock".
by Jb January 19, 2004
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wrecked, ruined, obliterated all meaning etc etc...
"she completely prostituted that song for me."
by Jb September 2, 2003
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Similar to the "sheep shagging" Velcro Glove useage, however this one is for gay men who like their men with lots of back hair (bears). Helps in hanging on, see Pillow Biter.
Here I come you big hairy man you! I've got on my Velcro Gloves
by Jb October 26, 2004
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