84 definitions by James Lowe

Speed also goes by the name "White Lightning" and makes you more aware and focused.

Can cause depression.. do you know what depression does to us men? guess... it can cause ED and also causes premature and retrograde ejaculation... thats only the depression.. back to the drug.

Speed also causes heart rate and blood pressure to rise, making you more active and shit like that.
Dealer: want some White Lightning man?

Buyer: Sure, I could use some ED and premature ejaculation!

Dealer: Thats a no, right?
by James Lowe February 21, 2005
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The King of Crunkiness..The onlt rap artist that has rap that I'll actually listen to..This bitch is cool!
by James Lowe May 8, 2004
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Better than any band I have ever listened to...EVERY ONE OF THEM!!

Every single song they made is an instant 10/10!
Liberate, Voices, The Game, etc... ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD!
by James Lowe November 5, 2004
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The so called "Ultimate" sex toy for women..they say its better than the human penis..
You better be getting your woman a diamond ring if she has a shower massager because SHE WILL NOT NEED YOU!
by James Lowe June 19, 2004
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The fucked up term that Connie Lingus used in describing something even the Japanese wouldnt even THINK about showing on television..no matter how sick it may be.
by James Lowe June 5, 2004
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Internet Service for Xbox and another fucking reason to give Bill Gates more money. Yet, very fun to kick the shit out of 10 year olds on Mechassault who think they are the best.
by James Lowe February 3, 2005
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haha! No matter how you die your arms always flail and you flip when you hit the ground
by James Lowe October 21, 2004
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